Friday, 10 April 2020


In my interaction with people of prayer and listening to what prophetic people are saying, a strong Word from the Lord has been coming through. This Passover is a very significant one. The word is that the virus is going to be defeated and God’s people are going to rise up in Victory.  This really resonates with me and brings confirmation to the things the Spirit has shown me and that I have written about in my books.

The Passover we have come to is the fulfilment of the Passover celebrated at the River Jordan. At this Passover, all that was accomplished for God’s people in the first Passover comes into manifestation and they come into the fullness of their deliverance. They had wandered in the wilderness for many years because of unbelief. The wilderness is all about identity. God said ‘Israel is my Son, my firstborn’ Exodus 4:22; but their faith confession was ‘We’re only grasshoppers’. Numbers 14.Now after many years in the wilderness, they had come into the understanding that they were who God said they were and were going in to possess their Promised Land.

The Promised Land for the spiritual Seed of Abraham which is the Church, [Galatians 3:16,29] is the Earth. [Romans 4:13] It is not Heaven as we have been led to believe; it is the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is what we lost at the Fall; this is what the Cross has purchased. Jesus destroyed Satan’s authority at the Cross and gave it back to redeemed Man to exercise in His Name. There are ‘giants of evil and their strongholds in our inheritance and we are now coming into battle against the enemy for possession of the Earth.

In the Type of the Journey to the Promised Land, we have come to the River Jordan. [Read Joshua chapters 3-6] God’s people were told to watch the Ark ‘so that you will know which way to go for you have not passed this way before’. Joshua 3:4. The Church is going to go beyond where we’ve ever been in history. This is what God has been working towards since the Fall. The Ark is a type of Jesus; it was to precede them by about 2,000 cubits. Two thousand years after Jesus came out of the wilderness and began to bring down the enemy’s strongholds, the Church will follow. 

Moses [the Law] is dead and Joshua [a type of Jesus] now leads them. This is where we come out of depending on our own works and focus on what Christ has done alone. Twelve stones [one for each tribe] were placed in the Jordan and twelve stones from the Jordan were placed on the other side; signifying the death of the old and the beginning of the new. At Gilgal they renewed the covenant with the rite of circumcision and God told them ‘This day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you.” Joshua 5:9 Circumcision signifies the putting away of the flesh or old nature. Egypt is a type of the place of bondage. We were in bondage to sin and death under the rule of the tyrant Satan. God ‘has delivered us from the power of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son; in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins;” Colossians 1:13,14 Nothing of the enemy’s hold over us remains and we are truly a new creation in Christ.

On the other side, a host of angels were waiting to join them in the battle.  The Church is coming into Victory “Christ in you is the hope of glory” Colossians 1;27. This is the time of the ‘manifestation of the Sons of God’ as in Romans 8;19 which will bring in ‘the restoration of all things’. Acts 3;21. Jesus is going to rise up in power in His Church. There are glorious days ahead. 

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