case of Israel Faleau has brought the rise of hostility against Christianity
sharply into focus. This is not the Australia we knew even 20 years ago. The
slippery slope we were assured wouldn't happen at the SSM vote, is getting more
and more slippery . What is behind it all? We are in a battle for the Earth!
battle is the ongoing battle for the inheritance which is depicted in the
struggle between Isaac and Ishmael, sons of Abraham and continued with Jacob
and Esau and on to this day. Abraham has physical heirs through Isaac i.e. the
nation of Israel and spiritual heirs through Jesus i.e. the Church [Galatians
3:29]. The physical heirs were given the Land of Canaan and the inheritance of
the spiritual heirs is the Earth.[Romans 4:13] It is an inheritance that has to
be possessed. The journey to and possession of the Promised Land by Israel is a
picture or type of the spiritual journey of the Church into truth and the
possession of the Earth for the Kingdom of God. This is what we lost at the
the temptation of Jesus, Satan boasted that all the kingdoms of the world were
his. Luke 4:5-8. In 1 John 5:19, it says "The whole world lies under the
sway of the wicked one. “that is why it’s such a mess and getting worse. Ever
since the Resurrection, Satan knew that it was only a matter of time till his
rule was challenged and he is making a desperate push to strengthen his grip on
the Earth. His two main instruments are Islam and Marxism. Israel and the
Church [all true believers in Christ] are the two Covenant peoples of God.
Satan hates them!
had to bring down the strongholds of the enemy, possess the Land and establish
the rule of the Kingdom; The Church is to make disciples of all the nations
which also involves bringing down the enemy strongholds and bringing people
into the Kingdom. Jesus said ‘I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will
not stand against it.” Matthew 16:18,19. The Church is the Army of God. What we
need to be doing at this time is preparing for war i.e. spiritual warfare over
the nations. Where that is happening, people are getting saved. Moslems are
coming into the Kingdom by the thousands. However much of the Army is preparing
for the Rapture Retreat. This is because of error which came into the Church
about two hundred years ago. Two errors shape much of our end time thinking;
i.e. The “Rapture” of the Church and Daniel’s 70th week.
will address these two errors in the next two posts.
Yes I do know that when Jesus comes again we will be caught up to meet Him in
the air; but what happens next?
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