There is a "sacred cow" standing in the way of the Church's journey into Truth. That is the teaching of an imminent Rapture of the Church. The Cross is not just about taking us to Heaven but it is about reclaiming the Earth for God. That is what God has been working toward since the Fall. The ultimate goal is that the Kingdom of God will come on Earth as it is in Heaven.
imminent Rapture is admittedly an attractive teaching; but is it true? After
many years of searching this out, I KNOW by the Word and the Spirit, that God
has something even better in mind - a Church rising up in the power and Glory
of God to bring in the nations. As Jesus said "I will build my Church and
the gates of hell will not stand against it." [Matthew 16:18,19] The
Church is destined to destroy Hell's grip on the Earth. 1 John 5:19 tells us
that the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. Not for much
longer! Jesus' work was to destroy Satan's authority and legal right to the
earth and to give it to His Church. His victory has to be enforced.
said that the Holy Spirit would lead and guide us into all truth. We have not
arrived yet! "The Lord has yet more light and truth to break forth from
His Word."
before a great move of God, the Spirit brought revelation on the Word as God
works towards restoration to the Church and ultimately for the world. The truth
of Justification by faith brought in the Reformation, it was followed by
Sanctification in the Wesley awakening. These are the truths of Passover. The
Pentecostal and Charismatic Renewals restored the truth of Pentecost. One great
Feast has yet to be fulfilled and that is Tabernacles - the Feast of the final
harvest. The truth that will usher in this Feast is The Finished Work of Christ
as pictured in the Day of Atonement.
have not yet come into the truth of all that the Cross accomplished. When we do
the Church will rise "unto the measure of the stature of Christ"
[Ephesians 4:13] and bring in the nations in fulfilment of the Great
Church is the Army of God. It is empowered by Truth. Much of the Church can't
see beyond the 'Rapture' that is going to happen 'any minute now.' Their eyes
are closed to any other revelation. It is wrong teaching. It fact it is worse
than wrong. It is a 'red herring' placed in our way by the one who 'deceives
the whole world.' [Revelation 12:9] The' father of lies' has been desperately
trying to keep the whole truth from the Church ever since the Resurrection
because he knows that then his grip on the earth will be finished.
'Rapture' Scripture [1 Thessalonians 4:14-17] is really about the 2nd Coming.
When we have done what Jesus commissioned us to do, then He will return.
Creation will be restored, the dead in Christ will live again and all His
people will rise to meet Him and escort Him back to the throne.
have written about this last great move of God in my books "The Other
Bible Code" and "End Time Insights." featured on this page. May
I hope that you will read them and earnestly pray about the precepts therein?
They are the result of many years of searching out truth in the Word and
revelation by the Spirit.
Push the sacred cow out of the way. Silence it's mooing, and open your spiritual eyes and ears. 'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.'
Push the sacred cow out of the way. Silence it's mooing, and open your spiritual eyes and ears. 'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.'
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