Friday, 17 August 2012


"And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars..."
My husband Rob is a bird watcher by day and a star watcher by night. The other evening he came in and told me that the planets seem to be forming interesting paterns in the sky. It reminded me of an email I received from an online friend from New Zealand which says:-

In September 2012 during the feast of tabernacles we will see the heavens appear as described in Revelations chapter 12:-
The start of this wonderful display of knowledge as heaven’s announcement to the world will be in September as the sun moves across Virgo. These days through telescopes we can see twelve galaxies surrounding her head. The movement of this great light will eclipses the Virgin. She will be fully covered and arrayed by the sun from head to foot, making her almost invisible for the whole month and symbolizing the obscurity of this heavenly sign taking place relatively undetected by the world at large. Only the wise and instructed people who study the books of the prophets will know it is happening and what it means.
At sunset on 16th September, Rosh Hashana, (Hebrew New Year) the sun will appear at the head of the virgin, radiating her face and symbolizing the start of Israel’s spiritual awakening.
On 19th September the sun will rise with the almost invisible crescent moon at her feet (visible to those who know where and how to observe this), symbolizing the approaching defeat of darkness by the birth of light.
On 20th September as we approach the vernal equinox, when daylight and the darkness of night will be in perfect balance all over the world, the moon will move to the centre of the two balancing scales of Libra, symbolizing the start of a new age of perfect justice, peace, equality and balance.
On 26th September (Yom Kippur or Day of atonement) the sun will move nearer to the heart of the virgin and as the sun sets the moon will move into Aquarius, symbolizing the cleansing of the soul with water at this time of atonement and new birth (change of heart) in preparation for the new age.
On 30th September the full moon will move into the belly of Pisces, the fish, symbolizing the rescue of the prophet Jonah from drowning and the burial of the Messiah for 3 days. That evening will be the start of a 7 day feast of tabernacles (living inside booths) commencing with the great trumpet blast as Israelites celebrate their rescue from slavery through their exodus from Egypt.
After midnight on 3rd October (the middle of the 7 day feast of tabernacles) the morning star (Venus) will rise together with Regulus (the royal star) and they approach to just one fifth of an arc degree apart; so the brightness of Regulus will appear to be enhanced by the morning star and vice versa. It is particularly significant that this takes place in the year 2012, when Regulus moves from the sphere of Leo into the sphere of Virgo, symbolizing the union of the king of the Judeans with all the Sons of Israel. The simultaneous union of Regulus and Venus, symbolizes the marriage of the Lamb and his Bride. The bright morning star rising with Regulus in the heart of the lion (symbol of Judah) in the middle of the feast of tabernacles is a sure sign of the coming king of the Judeans.
On the same night the moon will rise in Aries, the aggressive, self-centred, two-horned ram. The moon (ruler of the night) in Aries opposite the sun (ruler of the day) in Virgo symbolizes the coming conflict between light (spiritual Israelites) and darkness (the enemy with two horns like a lamb but talking like a dragon) [Revelation 13:11]
Finally in the last days of the feast of tabernacles the moon will approach Jupiter (ruler of heaven), occupying the position between the horns of Taurus, the bull. So the largest and brightest object of the night sky will meet of one of the brightest lights of the night sky (Jupiter) between the horns of the bull. The sacrifice of a bull is required to dedicate a new temple to the God of the Israelites.
[the interpretations are not mine]

I'm not into astrology as such [living my life according to the stars] but the Bible says that at the time approaching the 2nd Coming, we will see signs in the heavens [Luke 21:11,25]
THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM At Jesus first Coming the three wise men knew that the Star of Bethlehem indicated that a king would be born in Israel.  The Star was actually the conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter,in the constellation Pisces.
To the Israelites Saturn, being the highest, was the planet of Jehovah and Jupiter was the planet of the Messiah. Pisces was the constellation connected with Israel. The two planets were in conjunction three times over two years  which explains why Herod, when he found out when the wise men first saw the 'Star,' had all the boys under two killed. When the wise men came out of the palace in Jerusalem they saw the third conjunction of these planets [Matthew 2:10] This time Saturn and Jupiter were also in conjunction with Mars. The text indicates that the wise men weren't actually following the star all the way but when they saw the first conjunction they knew knew what was being portrayed and set out for Jerusalem.
Though the signs were there, they were not obvious to those who weren't looking for them. So the signs before His 2nd Coming will be undetected by the world at large.
The birth of the Manchild in Revelations 12 is the fulfillment of the promise made in Genesis 3:15 where God promises that the Seed of the Woman will crush the serpent's head. The common interpretation has been that the woman is Israel and the Manchild is Jesus, but as you know prophecy has more than one level. Galatians 3:16 confirms that the promised Seed is indeed Jesus, but the text goes on to say [v29] that the Seed is also all in Christ.
I believe that the woman in Revelation is the people of faith of all ages labouring to bring forth the promised Seed - the Overcomers - the generation which will finally cast down the serpent from the place of authority he has been occupying illegally since the Cross.
Jesus overcame him, took the authority from him which he had upsurped from Man, and delegated it  to the Church.  He said "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me go ye therefore...." [ Matthew 28:18,19]

Could the signs soon to be seen in the heavens indicate the imminent rise of the Overcomers? [Rob says that The signs would be as seen from Israel and won't be quite the same from other parts of the world.]
[For more on the woman of Revelation go to my blog "A Special Child" in the 2011 posts]

Wednesday, 15 August 2012


"Why do the nations rage,
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the LORD and against His Anointed saying,
'Let us break their bonds in pieces
And cast away their cords from us'"

In the closing days of this Age, we are seeing an unprecedented break down of morality and Biblical values as the Antichrist spirit rises in the Earth. Nations which once honoured God are casting off restraint.
Humanism, which denies God and places Man at the centre, was born in Eden when our first parents choose to turn away from God and to be their own god, deciding good and evil for themselves. We see the consequences of that all around us as nations carve out their future without reference to God.
The boundaries which God set for the good of Mankind are  increasingly being cast away. The Clinton administration celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the legalisation of abortion. Today in some U.S. and Australian states, an abortion can be had right up to the day of birth. Restraints on human sexuality are being thrown out and people who cling to traditional Christian values are being called 'judgemental' or 'homophobic' or 'old fashioned'.
Recently in Australia Peter Singer was made a Companion of the Order of Australia, an award supposed to be given for service to Australia or humanity. Some of the things he promotes are abortion, infanticide, bestiality, euthanasia and argues for experimentation on the mentally disabled, instead of animals. He argues that mentally disabled should be involuntarily euthanased. [incidentally he helped write the Greens manifesto]
Proverbs 22:28 says
"Do not remove the ancient boundaries
which your fathers have set"
The boundaries are there for the good of all, to stop us sliding into complete amorality and the breakdown of civilization.
 PSALM 2 [continuing] God says,
"Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.....
You are My Son, today I have begotten You,
Ask of Me, and I will give You
the nations for an inheritance
And the ends of the earth for Your possession"

The nations rightfully belong to Jesus. He ransomed them with His Blood. The Bible teaches that satan is the 'god of this world' and because of that people are in spiritual blindness. As someone has said, "All that will save us is a national spiritual awakening." The Church is called into spiritual warfare to bring the nations out of darkness into light.
Any promise made to Jesus is a promise to His Body, the Church.We can ask for the nations for the Kingdom. Jesus commissioned us to make all the nations His disciples and He doesn't tell us something that can't be done. We don't have to stand around and watch the disintregation of our world. History shows that when the people of God do battle against spiritual forces in Jesus Name, they win.
Jesus died for all people and God loves all people and doesn't want any to perish.

 Isaiah 60 holds a prophecy for the people of God, yet to be fulfilled.
"Arise, shine,for your light has come,
And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the LORD shall arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.
The Gentiles shall come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising....." AMEN